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Version: 3.36, January 2021 [6.207.344 words]

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  Ending letters: (writes only the end of the word)

There are too many words that rhyme with "ve".

Swowing only the 1500 first rhymes, please
redefines research (eg write more letters, use filters, etc.).

[See it all together] [View by syllables, in a single column] [View by syllables, in a single line]

Words with 1 syllable: abave, ave.

Words with 2 syllables: above, achieve, active, admove, agave, alcove, alive, alleve, amove, argive, arrive, asserve, asweve, awave, becarve, behave, belve, bihalve, bivalve, bove, brave, breve, brieve, calve, carve, cave, chave, cheve, chiave, chieve, chive, cive, clave, cleave, cleve, clive, clove, concave, corve, couve, cove, crave, cruive, curve, cuve, dave, deave, delve, deprave, derve, deve, dissave, dive, djave, dove, dowve, drave, drive, drove, eave, elve, eve, fave, five, forcarve, forgave, gave, give, glave, gleave, glove, goave, gove, grave, greave, grieve, grove, gyve, halve, have, heave, helve, hive, houve, hove, ive, i've, jive, jove, juamave, kedjave, kerve, kirve, knave, knive, larve, lave, leave, leve, lieve, lipsalve, live, loave, love.

Words with 3 syllables: abdicative, abditive, abessive, abjective, abjunctive, ablative, abnegative, aborsive, abortive, abrasive, absolve, abusive, acceptive, accessive, accusive, acervative, aconative, acurative, acutograve, adaptive, addictive, additive, adductive, adequative, adessive, adhesive, adjective, adjustive, admissive, adoptative, adoptive, adustive, advancive, advective, adventive, adversive, advisive, aestive, affective, aftergrave, afterlove, aftershave, agentive, aggrieve, agitative, airwave, allative, allusive, amative, amusive, animative, annexive, antenave, apojove, appeasive, appreve, approve, appulsive, archive, archknave, arrestive, arrogative, arrosive, ascensive, ascrive, aspersive, assentive, assertive, assistive, assortive, assuasive, athrive, attentive, attestive, attractive, aurilave, autoclave, autovalve, aversive, avertive, avocative, awunctive, babblative, bebrave, bedelve, beehive, beeve, begrave, behove, beknave, beleave, beleve, believe, belive, belove, bereave, berreave, beslave, bestarve, bestove, biconcave, bileve, bioactive, boastive, bondslave, boneshave, bonnive, bowstave, burggrave, burgrave, captive, casave, celative, censive, centgrave, cessative, chauve, chetive, coactive, codrive, codrove, coinvolve, collative, colove, combative, commove, compassive, conative, concaptive, conceive, conclave, congreve, connive, conscive, conserve, contrive, convive, convolve, corrasive, corrive, costive, counterwave, creative, crescive, cresive, cultive, curative, cursive, curvative, dative, deceive, declive, decurve, delative, deleave, demove, deprive, derive, descrive, deserve, detractive, devolve, devove, dictative, didactive, dikegrave, dilative, discrive, disleave, dislive, dislove, dispansive, disprove, disserve, dissolve, donative, downcurve, drawshave, durative, effluve, elative, eleve, embrave, emmove, emove, emptive, enactive, enbrave, encave, enclave, endive, enerve, engrave, engrieve, enlive, enmove, ennerve, enrive, enslave, enweave, enwove, enwwove, epivalve, equivalve, escheve, espave, esprove, essive, estive, etuve, evasive, evolve, exactive, excave, exclave, exolve, exsolve, eyesalve, factive, fauve, fensive, festive, fictive, filesave, fissive, fixative, fixive, flative, flexive, floative, flotative, fluxive, forcive, forcleave, fordrive, forgive, forleave, forlive, formative, fotive, foxglove, fricative, fruitive, furtive, gemauve, gemmative, gernative, gestative, glaive, greeve, groove, groundwave, guessive, guestive, gustative, hastive, hective, hoove, hortative, hypovalve, impave, improve, inactive, incarve, incave, inclave, incurve, ingrave, ingreve, inhive, innerve, inserve, inshave, interpave, involve, inweave, inwove, junctive, jurative, jussive, keeve, keymove, khedive, landgrave, laticlave, lative, lawgive, legative, lessive, ligative, lixive, locative, longeve, lucrative, luxive, margrave, massive, mauve.

Words with 4 syllables: aberrative, abirritative, abrogative, absorptive, abstersive, abstractive, accelerative, accretive, accumulative, accusative, acetylative, adaptative, adjudicative, adjunctive, admirative, admonitive, adscriptive, adsorptive, adumbrative, adversative, advocative, aerocurve, affinitative, affinitive, affirmative, afflictive, afformative, affricative, affrontive, aggravative, aggregative, aggressive, airbrasive, alimentative, alimentive, alleviative, alliterative, allocutive, alterative, altercative, alternative, ambulative, ameliorative, ampliative, amplicative, amputative, angusticlave, animadversive, annihilative, annotative, annunciative, anoxidative, anticipative, anticreative, antireactive, antisiccative, antitussive, aperitive, apodictive, appellative, apperceive, apperceptive, appetitive, applausive, applicative, applosive, appointive, appositive, appraisive, approbative, architrave, argumentative, argumentive, articulative, ascriptive, asphyxiative, assaultive, assausive, assertative, asseverative, assimilative, associative, assortative, assumptive, astrictive, astructive, attemptive, attenuative, attestative, attritive, auditive, augmentative, augmentive, auscultative, autoactive, automative, beetrave, behoove, benefactive, besleeve, bijective, biplosive, birefractive, brainwave, calefactive, calmative, cantative, capitative, caressive, caritative, caritive, catenative, causative, champleve, charitative, churchreeve, chylifactive, cicatrisive, circulative, circumscrive, circumvolve, clamative, coadjutive, coadunative, coagulative, coderive, coemptive, coercive, coevolve, cogitative, cognitive, cohesive, cohibitive, cohortative, collaborative, collective, colligative, colliquative, collisive, collocative, collusive, colorative, colourative, combinantive, combinative, combustive, comfortative, comitative, commentative, comminative, commissive, commotive, commulative, commutative, comparative, compellative, compensative, completive, complexive, complicative, compressive, compulsative, compulsive, compunctive, computative, concentive, conceptive, concessive, conclusive, concoctive, concrescive, concretive, concussive, condensative, condonative, conducive, conductive, confirmative, conflictive, confusive, confutative, congelative, congestive, congregative, congressive, conjective, conjugative, conjunctive, connective, connexive, connotative, connotive, conscriptive, consecrative, consentive, conservative, conspirative, constative, constrictive, constructive, consultative, consultive, consummative, consumptive, contaminative, contextive, contorsive, contortive, contractive, contrastive, contusive, convective, conversative, conversive, convertive, convictive, convocative, convulsive, cookstove, cooptive, copulative, corelative, corevolve, corporative, corrective, correlative, corrosive, corruptive, coruscative, counteractive, counterdrive, counterlove, countermove, counterprove, credencive, credensive, creditive, criminative, cryopreserve, culminative, cultivative, cumulative, cunctative, deceptive, decisive, declarative, decoctive, deconvolve, decorative, decreative, decretive, decursive, dedicative, deducive, deductive, deerdrive, defeasive, defective, defencive, defensative, defensive, deflective, deformative, defunctive, degradative, degressive, dehortative, delegative, deletive, delusive, demandative, demissive, denigrative, denotative, denotive, denudative, depictive, depletive, deprecative, depressive, deprivative, depurative, deputative, derisive, derivative, derogative, descensive, descriptive, desistive, desitive, desolative, destructive, detective, detentive, detersive, detonative, detrusive, devastative, deverbative, deviative, devorative, diffractive, diffusive, digestive, digressive, dilatative, dilutive, dimensive, directive, disapprove, disbelieve, discerptive, disclosive, discoursive, discretive, discursative, discursive, discussive, disdeceive, disenslave, disgracive, disimprove, disinvolve, disjunctive, dismissive, dispensative, dispensive, dispersive, disportive, disprobative, disputative, disruptive, disscussive, dissective, dissentive, dissertative, dissipative, dissolvative, dissuasive, distensive, distinctive, distortive, distractive, disturbative, ditransitive, divertive, divisive, divorcive, divulsive, dominative, dormitive, drawglove, dubitative, duplicative, earthmove, earthquave, educative, educive, eductive, effective, efformative, effusive, egestive, egressive, ejaculative, ejective, elaborative, elecive, elective, elongative, elusive, emanative, embracive, emigrative, emissive, emotive, emulative, emulsive, emusive, encaptive, enervative, enforcive, engroove, enhancive, entitative, equative, equicurve, equipluve, equitative, eradicative, erective, ergative, erosive, eructative, eruptive, estimative, evacuative, evaluative, evaporative, eversive, evincive, evocative, exaltative, examinative, exceptive, excerptive, excessive, excitative, excitive, exclusive, excretive, exculpative, excursive, excusative, excusive, execrative, exemptive, exertive, exhortative, expansive, expectative, expective, expensive, expiative, expletive, explicative, exploitative, exploitive, explorative, explosive, expressive, expulsive, expurgative, exsiccative, extensive, extersive, extinctive, extirpative, extorsive, extortive, extractive, extroitive, extrusive, exudative, fabricative, factitive, faculative, facultative, famulative, fecundative, federative, fermentative, fermentive, ferroinclave, figurative, finitive, flagellative, floatative, footglove, forelive, forgetive, formicative, fortyfive, frequentative, frustrative, fugitive, gainstrive, geminative, generative, genitive, germinative, gerundive, gignitive, glutinative, gradative, granulative, gravitative, habitative, hairweave, hansgrave, hebetative, hereinabove, hesitative, hogreeve, housewive, humective, hyperactive, hypoactive, ideative, ignitive, illapsive, illative, illusive, imaginative, imbricative, imitative, immensive, immersive, immotive, impactive, impartive, impassive, imperative, impetrative, impletive, implicative, implosive, impregnative, impressive, improbative, impulsive, imputative, inadaptive, inadequative, inadhesive, inattentive, incensive, incentive, inceptive, inchoative, incisive, incitative, incitive, inclusive, increative, incrustive, incubative, inculcative, inculpative, incursive, indicative, indictive, inducive, inductive, indurative, indutive, inequivalve, inessive, inexpansive, infantive, infective, infestive, infirmative, inflative, inflective, inflexive, inflictive, influencive, influxive, informative, infusive, ingestive, ingressive, inhesive, initive, injective, injunctive, innative, innovative, inscriptive, insertive, insistive, inspective, inspirative, instigative, instinctive, instructive, integrative, intensative, intensive, intentive, interactive, interfluve, intergrave, interleave, interstrive, interstrove, intervolve, interweave, interwove, introactive, intrusive, intuitive, invasive, invective, inventive, inversive, invertive, invictive, invocative, irrelative, irrigative, irritative, irruptive, isolative, iterative, jackslave, jaculative, judicative, klendusive, lacerative, ladylove, lamentive, landreeve, laudative, laxative, legislative, lenitive, levitative, liberative, limitative, limitive, liquefactive, lubricative, luminative, lustrative, macerative, maestive, maladive, mandative, mangrove, marcgrave, maturative, mediative, medicative, mediopassive, meditative.

Words with 5 syllables: absolutive, accommodative, accompletive, acculturative, acquisitive, administrative, agglomerative, agglutinative, albificative, amalgamative, ambiversive, amplificative, antiaggressive, anticoagulative, anticogitative, anticommutative, anticonscriptive, anticonservative, anticonvulsive, anticorrosive, antidepressive, antiderivative, antierosive, antiexpressive, antifermentative, antimedicative, antinarrative, antiproductive, antiprogressive, antiputrefactive, antireductive, antireflective, antireflexive, antispeculative, antisubversive, appreciative, apprehensive, appropriative, approximative, arbitrative, archconservative, archdetective, architective, aregenerative, assassinative, attributive, authoritative, autoceptive, automotive, beneceptive, benedictive, calculative, calumniative, capacitative, capacitive, captivative, carminative, castigative, celebrative, certificative, chemisorptive, chemosorptive, cinenegative, circumscriptive, circumspective, circumventive, cirrostrative, coalternative, coercitive, coexclusive, coextensive, cognoscitive, commemorative, commiserative, communicative, communitive, competitive, complaintive, complementative, complimentative, compositive, comprehensive, concentrative, conciliative, condescensive, confederative, configurative, conflagrative, conglomerative, conglutinative, consecutive, considerative, consociative, consolidative, constitutive, consubstantive, contemplative, continuative, contraceptive, contradictive, contraoctave, contributive, convexoconcave, convolutive, cooperative, cooptative, coordinative, corresponsive, corroborative, counterattractive, counternarrative, cryoprotective, debilitative, decompressive, decongestive, deconstructive, decontaminative, decorrugative, defibrillative, definitive, degenerative, deglutitive, deliberative, delimitative, delineative, demonstrative, denominative, denumerantive, denumerative, denunciative, deoppilative, deoxidative, depopulative, depositive, depreciative, desiccative, desiderative, designative, desquamative, deteriorative, determinative, devolutive, diapositive, dikereeve, diminutive, disaffirmative, disaggregative, disapprobative, disassimilative, disciplinative, disconducive, disconnective, discontentive, discriminative, disfigurative, disillusive, disincentive, disinfective, disintegrative, dispositive, dispunitive, disquisitive, disrespective, dissemilative, disseminative, dissimilative, dissimulative, dissociative, dissolutive, distributive, divestitive, domesticative, dykereeve, ebullitive, edificative, edulcorative, effervescive, eliminative, elocutive, elucidative, emancipative, emasculative, enculturative, enumerative, enunciative, evidencive, evolutive, exaggerative, exasperative, exclamative, excogitative, excrementive, executive, exfoliative, exhaustive, exhibitive, exhilarative, exonerative, expatiative, expectorative, expeditive, explanative, expositive, expostulative, exquisitive, extenuative, exterminative, extrapolative, extratensive, extraversive, extravertive, extrospective, extroversive, extrovertive, exulcerative, facilitative, fascinative, fashionative, foreconceive, forecontrive, foresleeve, fructificative, geonegative, gesticulative, gubernative, hallucinative, hereditative, humiliative, hydronegative, hyperreactive, hypertensive, hypotensive, hypothecative, illucidative, illuminative, illustrative, impeditive, impenetrative, imperceptive, imperfective, impersonative, impositive, imprimitive, improgressive, impunitive, inaggressive, inaugurative, incarnative, incogitative, incognitive, incohesive, inconclusive, inconducive, incorporative, incorrosive, incorruptive, incrassative, indagative, indecisive, indefective, indefensive, inderivative, indescriptive, indigestive, indistinctive, induplicative, inebriative, ineffective, inexclusive, inexhaustive, inexpensive, inexplosive, inexpressive, inextensive, infiltrative, infinitive, inflammative, infrigidative, ingenerative, inhabitative, inhibitive, inimitative, inirritative, initiative, innutritive, inobtrusive, inoculative, inoffensive, inoperative, inoppressive, inquisitive, insensitive, insinuative, institutive, instrumentative, insubmissive, insuppressive, insusceptive, intellective, intempestive, intensitive, interadditive, intercalative, intercausative, interceptive, intercessive, interdictive, interinvolve, intermissive, internecive, internegative, interpervasive, interpolative, interpretative, interpretive, interreceive, interrogative, interruptive, interstinctive, interventive, intoxicative, intransitive, intraoctave, introceptive, introductive, introgressive, introjective, intromissive, intropulsive, introspective, introversive, introvertive, invariantive, investigative, investitive, invigorative, irradiative, irreceptive, irreflective, irreflexive, irremissive, irrepressive, irrespective, irresponsive, irrestrictive, irresultive, irretentive, jurisdictive, justificative, juxtapositive, lambitive, lathereeve, lathreeve, locomotive, magistrative, magnificative, maladaptive, maladjustive, maledictive, mancipative, manifestative, manifestive, manipulative, manuductive, manumissive, manumotive, matterative.

Words with 6 syllables: antiagglutinative, anticompetitive, anticonfederative, antihypertensive, archrepresentative, autodigestive, autoeducative, autoinductive, automanipulative, autopositive, autoprogressive, autoregressive, autoregulative, autosuggestive, chemoreceptive, chemosensitive, cirrocumulative, consignificative, contradistinctive, contraindicative, contrapositive, cosignificative, counterincentive, counterintuitive, counterinvective, counteroffensive, counterproductive, differentiative, electroengrave, electromotive, electronegative, electrostrictive, equicohesive, equilibrative, excommunicative, exemplificative, experimentative, exteroceptive, extrapunitive, geopositive, hemagglutinative, homofermentative, hydropositive, hyperaggressive, hyperconservative, hyperemotive, hyperexcursive, hypernutritive, hyperobtrusive, hyperresponsive, hypersensitive, hyperspeculative, hypersuperlative, hyposensitive, idiorepulsive, immunoreactive, inappreciative, inapprehensive, inauthoritative, incarcerative, incommunicative, incomprehensive, inconsecutive, indefinitive, indeterminative, indiscriminative, individuative, insignificative, interderivative, interdestructive, interdiffusive, intergenerative, interlocutive, interobjective, interoceptive, interoperative, interpenetrative, interresponsive, intersubjective, intropunitive, intussusceptive, irreproductive, itineritive, locodescriptive, magnetomotive, magnetostrictive, mechanoreceptive.

Words with 7 syllables: electroconvulsive, electrodispersive, electropercussive, electropositive, electroreceptive, electrosensitive, haemagglutinative, heterofermentative, hypercompetitive, immunosuppressive, intercommunicative, interinhibitive, isoagglutinative, maladministrative.

Words with 8 syllables: erythrodegenerative.

[See it all together] [View by syllables, in a single column] [View by syllables, in a single line]

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  Ending letters: (writes only the end of the word)

With this web searcher, poets and rappers of hip hop can find rhyming more easily.

You only need to write the ending word (one or more syllable) and automatically it will find all the words that rhyme with your desired word. This is useful for writing lyrics for rap and hip hop, writing poetry, studying the English language, etc.

Program limitations (or not):

  • No difference between accented and which are not.
  • The "ç" is treated like an "s" (to extend the scope of search).
  • The "v" and the "b" are treated as different (people complained when they differed).
  • You cannot search for words that end with one letter (it would show too many words).
  • Include words that do not exist in the dictionary, such as "graffiti", "rapping" or "graffitejar.".
  • Our separator syllables has been scheduled for an chimpanzee at the zoo and sometimes fails. Specifically, it does not distinguish between words 1 and 2 syllables. When possible, the monkey will fix the error.

Time used: 0,79 seconds

[ If you find bugs in the rhymer, please contact us. ]

[ If you can improve the translation, please use this form. ]

Thanks to Daniel Menezo García and Avm99963, to improve the translation into English.

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